Diablo 3 1.0.4 Leveling Guide 0-60
========================================================================Hello everyone! Today I'm going to share my leveling technique for getting your Diablo 3 characters to 60 quickly. This can be done in a single day if you want. I think it took me about 12-14 hours to get to 60 but I could be wrong as I wasn't really paying attention at the time. Now I have 45 hours since I've been using the character to farm gear and level my paragon now that 1.0.4 is out. Make sure to get a helm with a socket for your low level character and put as high of a ruby gem in it as possible for the bonus exp%. You can get gear with +exp per kill on it but it isn't as important as the helm gem.
Level 1-25: Have your high level friend/second account invite the character you wish to level to Act 2: The Black Soulstone: Soulstone Chamber quest. The high level character goes in and kills Zoltun Kulle quickly. DO NOT TURN IN THE QUEST. Leave the game on the low level character only and start a new game. Turn in the quest then return to the game the high level is in. Before turning in the quest again have the high level character leave the game and start his own new one. Then turn in the quest again on your low level and proceed to join the third game the high level character has now created. Repeat until level 25. This way you get triple the experience for killing Zoltun Kulle. This can be done quickly and you will be 25 in only a short amount of time. Have the high level character kill Diablo on Normal and then you can proceed to Nightmare.
Level 25-50: From here it's not very viable to continue killing Zoltun Kulle for very long. You can up until level 30-35 or so if you want but then it starts to go pretty slow. Instead we will be taking both the high and low level character to the Act 3: Heart of Sin: Kill Azmodan quest. Once in the game Take the waypoint to Arreat Crater level 1 and kill your way through it. If you go down a long path and hit a dead end just teleport back to town, it's not worth it to waste time walking back just to try and find more mobs. Then go to Arreat Crater level 2 and kill your way through again. After you clear that area head to The Core of Arreat. Same principle applies here except it's only one path, kill your way to the end where the entrance to Azmodan is. Here you can either leave the game and restart or you can go kill Azmodan for the quest exp. Personally I don't find the quest exp to be high enough to be worth the time but to each their own. This works great because of all the little scorpion/spider mobs that come in huge packs of around 50 sometimes. They provide a massive amount of exp in very little time and are easy to kill. Once you are at 50 kill Diablo and proceed to Hell difficulty.
Level 50-60: Do the same thing you did from 25-50 except this time on Hell. It can take longer each run because the mobs don't die nearly as easily as they did in nightmare but it still goes pretty quick. You should get a level per entire clear up until 55 and then past that it will be about 1 1/3 runs per level.
This seems to be the fastest way I've found to level your characters since they have drastically reduced the amount of exp you gain from quest turn in's now. If you try this method please comment with how long it took you to get from 1-60. Like I said I didn't really pay attention to the time it took me so I'm curious to see how long it will take others. I also was running two accounts instead of using a friend to help so I'm sure that made it take longer as well. Also if you found this information useful please subscribe to this blog, it really does help alot.
Thanks everyone for reading and good luck leveling your future characters.
Will try to come out with a paragon guide once I have a better grasp on it. Only at paragon level 6 right now and I've only been farming gear, haven't been focusing specifically on leveling it.
-Diablo afk Bots
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